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Latissimus-what?? by Rebecca Brightly
November 4, 2009, 11:08 pm
Filed under: Science | Tags: , ,

Using Your Lats in Swing Dancing

Let’s talk lats! The full name of the muscle in question is the latissimus dorsi (see figure 1). The full importance of using the lats properly is probably unparalleled in dancing lindy hop. It gives you greater control and connection, improving your ability to lead and follow almost instantly. As a beginner or intermediate dancer, how many times in a private lessons or classes has your teacher said, “Don’t let your shoulder out!” And how many times have you thought to yourself, “How the heck do I do that??”

Whether you’ve figured out the whole shoulder alignment thing or not, I’ll explain the structure and function of the lats as they pertain to lindy hop. Then you’ll dance better and get hurt less. And then you can tell your friends, because good memes should travel far and wide. Continue reading