Hot Blog of Durham

HAWT Venues by hotclub
September 21, 2009, 4:49 pm
Filed under: Hawt, Updates

Okay, I don’t have much funny in me today so this is going to be straight forward.

Friday Night Venue/Saturday and Sunday Classes: Triangle Dance Studio

Triangle Dance Studio is located in RTP on Miami Blvd.  We are taking over Blues Dance Friday and for accessibility we will be holding this dance in the downstairs studio.  We will have signs out, pointing you to the right place.


From Chapel Hill/Carrboro: Take I-40 East towards Durham. Take Exit #281, Miami Blvd. Turn right on Miami and go about 3 miles. Cross the large intersection at Alexander, then cross the next light at Lumley. 2603 is the 3rd house on the right. There is a small grayish house with a 2-story bldg and a large gravel lot in back.  Simply pull into the drive and park behind the house. Use the entrance at the bottom of the 2-story bldg .

From Durham: Take the Durham Freeway (147) South towards I-40. Take Exit # , Alexander Dr. Turn Left on Alexander and go to the 3rd light. Turn Left onto Miami Blvd. Cross the next light at Lumley. 2603 is the 3rd house on the right. There is a small grayish house with a 2-story bldg and a large gravel lot in back.  Simply pull into the drive and park behind the house. Use the entrance at the bottom of the 2-story bldg .

From Raleigh: Take I-40 West towards Durham. Take Exit #281, Miami Blvd. Turn right on Miami and go about 3 miles. Cross the large intersection at Alexander, then cross the next light at Lumley. 2603 is the 3rd house on the right. There is a small grayish house with a 2-story bldg and a large gravel lot in back.  Simply pull into the drive and park behind the house. Use the entrance at the bottom of the 2-story bldg .

Saturday Night Venue: Infuzion

Infuzion is a new venue for us.  They are located on Westgate Dr. across from the Target.


From Chapel Hill: Take 15-501 toward Durham.  Take a right onto Westgate Dr. before the Target.  Take a right into the shopping center across from Target.  There is a Toy’s R Us and an El Rodeo in the shopping center.  Infuzion is on the far left of the shopping center.

From Durham: Take 15-501 toward Chapel Hill.  Take a left onto Westgate Dr. after the Target.  Take a right into the shopping center across from Target.  There is a Toy’s R Us and an El Rodeo in the shopping center.  Infuzion is on the far left of the shopping center.

From Raleigh: Take I-40 towards Durham.  Take exit 270 for 15-501.  Take a right onto15-501 east toward Durham.  Take a right onto Westgate Dr. before the Target.  Take a right into the shopping center across from Target.  There is a Toy’s R Us and an El Rodeo in the shopping center.  Infuzion is on the far left of the shopping center.

Super Secret Saturday Late Night Location: Cliff’s House

Directions to the Late night party/dance will be available at the registration table on Friday and Saturday.   We hope to see you there.

For more information:
(919) 627-8678

Our HAWT Teachers by Rebecca Brightly
September 17, 2009, 5:21 pm
Filed under: Hawt

As you well know, our first workshop weekend takes place September 25-27 with all local teachers, musicians, organizers, and awesomeness. On our one-year anniversary, we are celebrating what makes the Triangle HAWT. I’d like to give a quick shout out to all our instructors: Abi, Adam, Amber, Chris, other Chris, Cliff, Diane, Holly, Jason, Jeramie, Joe, John, Kat, Kristy, Margaret, Rachel, Rich, Richard, Rob, and moi.

That’s 20 teachers. Um, HOLY COW, you’re probably thinking, how will I get up the courage to ask all of them to dance??

Let’s glaze over that technical difficulty for the moment and focus on a few classes and instructors I’m especially excited about having at our first HotClub Anniversary Weekend Tutuorial. In alphabetical order (by title of class!), those are:

“Conversational Connection” with Jason Sager & Abi Leggette. What an aptly named class! Every time I dance with Jason, it’s definitely a conversation. And not the kind where you’re just talking at each other–the good kind. You know what I mean. One person says something, and the other person replies with ‘Cool! How ’bout this?’ While especially known for their Balboa skillz, Jason & Abi have loads of interesting, intricate Lindy Hop notions to share with you.

“Cool Lindy Hop Moves” with Richard Badu. As his class description states, Richard is one of the quintessential cool cats from the swing revival era. In fact, he was the only cat teaching in Chapel Hill on that fateful day in aught-six I decided to take swing lessons rather than salsa. One thing Richard is known for around here is the ability to make up interesting new moves and combinations. His style is unique, and it will inspire you to find your own.

“Fast Lindy” with Amber and Jeramie Anderson. We’re much happier now that Amber and Jeramie are within shouting distance (thanks for going to PT school, Amber!). What I love about these kids is that they are the type of good dancers who love to dance with (almost literally) anyone. They don’t care how ‘good’ you are, they care how much fun you have. And if anything’s fun, it’s dancing lindy hop fast!swedish chef says bork!

“Solo Blues” with Rachel Redler. The reason I’m psyched about this class is because solo Blues is all about self-expression. I don’t always want to have a conversation with someone else; sometimes I just want to talk. We don’t see enough of Rachel’s teaching in the Triangle. I think it’s clear that this will be a rare opportunity to learn from the lady. If you love blues music, this may be just the ticket to learning to express yourself and get over the ‘omg is anyone watching me??’ fear.

“Things I Learned in Sweden” with Chris Wells. What’s in Sweden, you ask? Herrang, of course! For one month out of the year, this small town is taken over by hords of Lindy Hoppers from the world over who learn all day and dance all night. Chris has been in those hords year after year, throwing cabbages into the air and shooting them. He will teach you this profane wisdom of the Swedes, and it just might change your dancing. Bork.

In all seriousness, however, Chris holds a special place in my heart–the place reserved for favorite leads–due to his creativity, precision, and sheer exuberance. Chris is working on his PhD in Musicology. (I bet you didn’t think that was a real degree, but truthfully, you have to be real smart to get one. I DARE you to ask him a jazz-related question.) We definitely don’t get enough of his teaching and dancing, so it will be to your advantage not to miss this.

– – –

SO, AS I’VE CLEARLY indicated, you simply cannot miss any of our classes. So here is yet another gratuitous registration link. Thanks for listening.

Hot Club 09/08 by hotclub
September 4, 2009, 4:50 am
Filed under: Hawt, Humor, Updates


The following is a reprinting of the 09/08 edition of the “Hot Club Adventures” serial published in the Metropolitan Daily Star Sun Times Weekly Chronicle Dispatch newspaper:

When we last we left our hero he had put the brakes on Toeless Joe’s lead smuggling scheme and gathered enough evidence to put the toeless scum behind bars for a long, long time. After running Tonya “the Knife” Davis out of town for good, it was time for our Hero to take a much needed rest…

So, I was passed out in my “bedroom,” a half-empty bottle of whiskey adding to the ambiance of flickering neon, and the car horn symphony outside the window. I was startled awake by a knock on my door so frantic that I thought the woodpecker had gotten into the hall again.

“What, who is it? Do you know what time it is?” I shouted through the paper thin, door. Looking up at the door, the faded words on the window, “Clifford Dyer Private Eye,” reminded me that I’d spent as many nights in my office as I had at home. To be honest, there were far fewer rats in my office and the chair had more padding than my mattress.

“My Dyer, I’m sorry to bother you so late, but I’ve got a problem that only you can take care of,” said a confident, sultry voice leaking through the cracks in the door with the draft. I recognized the voice. It was the infamous Ms Brightly, and she was well known in this little burg for having legs to the sky, and the standards to match. Many men courted her, and few made it past “Hello.” She was the most eligible bachelorette this side of Morrisville, and boy did she know it.

I opened the door. “Good to see that you are taking care of yourself,” she quipped wryly. In her defense I was in quite a sorry state.

“Well, time spent keeping up appearances is never wasted,” I coughed into my sleeve. “What can I do for you today Ms. Brightly”

“I need help. Look,” she shoved a crumpled bright orange flier into my hands. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, it read:

Hot Club of Durham 09/08/2009
Come out Tuesday night and put the “Hawt” in Hot Club

“Aside from some terrible spelling, I don’t see anything wrong with this,” I remarked while squinting at the paper. “I mean, those jitterbugs are one dime short of a pop, but they’ve never caused any trouble.”

“Keep reading,” she sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes like puddles after a summer rain.

So I did:

Lesson Starts at 7pm
Teacher: Toeless Joe Jackson will be teaching a beginner 6-count (east coast) lindy lesson. Come out for this Hot Club first!

I was fuming like a broken radiator in Barrow, Alaska. “How did that dirt bag get out of lockup? Well I’m going to march right down there…”

“No Mister Dyer, he’s out on a work release program. This is the problem,” she pointed at the flier:

Dance from 8-11
Cliff Dyer- House DJ
DJ TBA – Feature DJ

Brightly was a full fountain by now, “DJ TBA… killed my brother.”

My head was spinning. I couldn’t tell up from down or left from right. I grabbed my coat, hat and a flask full of gin that I have prepared for just such a situation. “I’ve forgotten that I have to Deejay, I’ve got to hurry,” I yelled while running past, the still sobbing, Ms. Brightly. “Oh and I’ll put this Deejay Tobeannounced away for you, I promise,” I remarked as I rushed out the door onto the street, still damp from a summer shower.

The cab I caught had the unique scent of incense, vomit and feet. The charming young cab driver turned his bloodshot eyes in my direction and asked, “Where to mister?” in an accent so thick you could spread could butter on it.

I looked back at the flier, by now wet with the sweat from running two blocks to catch a cab in the humid summer twilight:

4907 Garrett Road, Durham

I paid the cabby with a five dollar bill so old that Mr. Lincoln was reduced to smudge.

I could tell right away that something was wrong. The Care building was darker than a Swedish winter and the air was thick and still with danger. I carefully crept towards the door when I notice a figure lurking in the inky shadows.

“Stop right where you are and no one gets hurt,” echoed the deep voice of the shadowy and mysterious Deejay Tobeannounced. The words pushed through the soupy darkness.

A flash of realization overtook me and I shouted, “No it can’t be! You, I know you. You are…”

What will happen next? Who is Deejay Tobeannounced? Find out all this and more in the next exciting installment of “Hot Club Adventures”
(919) 627-8678

08/11 Hot Club of Durham by hotclub
August 5, 2009, 4:49 pm
Filed under: Hawt, Humor, Updates


Oh that Hot Club’s, back again now,
back at ERUUF this Tuesday night.
What a line up we have for you, yeah,
the teachers and Deejays are out of sight.

There’s big announcements, about our workshop,
and registration is open too.
Fancy shoes wear, all the dancers,
and they are never, never ever blue.

On the side-wall, tuesday evening, sit some dancers, full of life
Some ones playing all the best songs, is it Tonya the knife?

You know that Hot Club is at ERRUF,
in the town Durham, down on Garret Road
The number is 4907, with ample parking,
so you, so you won’t get towed.

The beginner lesson, starts at 7,
and the teacher is currently not known
Then the Deejays spin and at 8, dear,
and keep spinning until you all go home

Joe Jackson, spinnin tunes, he’s house Dj and you’ll never pin him down,
Our feature DJ will knock your socks off, now that Tonya’s back in town.
(919) 627-8678